Friday, 1 October 2010


I know you'll be astonished to read that my first experiences of Thailand centre around food but really it is good. After no sleep for 2 nights we've pretty much only ventured out for eating purposes. The hotel is lovely and friendly and our room is new, clean and kinda stylish in an Ikea sort of way. Our first wander around made me understand what it is to be foreign-everyone is friendly but people do look at you strange and Tuk-tuk drivers honk at you trying to solicit business every few minutes. Not to mention the endless tours and taxis being offered on every corner but the process is all done with a smile and good humour.
We stopped at a street food stall and shared a couple of dishes of vegetables, noodles and I think some kind of seafood. It was delicious but crazy hot, I think I can get used to eating spice in the heat though, it makes you feel synchronised. This evening we went to one of the small restaurants along our road and ate green curry, paad thai and some sort of peanut chicken-the most flavourful food I've ever tasted and green tea is so much better for mouth burn than water.
We're off to find some beaches tomorrow-will try and get some pictures up.
Have a good weekend y'all xx

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