Sunday, 10 October 2010

Crowds in the Street

As we wondered home from a fab dinner of roti, curry, spicy mushrooms and rice the streets got more and more crowded. By the time we reached our road there was no room on the pavements because of all the people standing around dressed in white. We went back to the room to get the camera and stood at the end of our road for a while as the crowds keep coming. Eventually the traffic stopped coming through altogether and there was a feeling of anticipation-just like carnival night at home. There were firecrackers being thrown into the road exploding everywhere. It was really loud and chaotic. A family brought out the Granny and perched her on a cushion on the step next to us. There were people with flag like poles dressed in white and people in elaborate costumes swaying and occasionally speaking in tongues. After a good while the costumed people started to dance in the middle of a whirl of firecrackers, completely barefooted in the middle of these huge explosions. The old lady next to us stood up and performed the wai in their direction whenever this happened. This is a bow of respect with your hands clasped together in front of your face. I read a little about it and think the fire dancing was to show how entranced they were by the power of the Gods and the woman was showing her respect for their devotion. Anyway it was the most surreal, amazing, confusing and sheer deafening experience. Here are some pictures for you.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fantastic and a lot better than Wincanton Carnival! Carol
