Sunday, 22 May 2011

Catch up

Sorry for the long absence but the Blogger site was down for some days and then I fell out of the habit of writing. The weather has been a little crazy here and we had a taste of the heat that summer will bring. It was that  white heat that comes from the ground up it feels. The sun is too bright to be a pleasant force but is just swallowed up in the melting sky. Of course you do not hear a word of complaint from me. Sunshine is always, always a blessing. No more pasty skin, no more eczema, no more depressing cold moments huddled under a blanket trying to perform some mundane daytime task.
However, as we got up yesterday morning the limpet heat that had clung to the air all night was instantly blown away by a heavy rain storm. As soon as the black clouds opened the heavy air vanished as if frightened away by something bigger. So we braved Nagoya in the rain and were eventually rewarded by a glorious, bright, fresh afternoon. 
I'm addicted to recycle shops here-we both are a bit. Where's the guilt in playing along with this week's fashion when it costs £3 and is completely without a carbon footprint this time around?
I suppose all who read this will know already but anyway. The pressure is now on for us to provide the silky smoothest holidaying experiences for those lovely people who have spent a near fortune on tickets out here this last week or so. You WILL have fun! I'm so excited to share the experience with a selection of dear ones in a matter of weeks. 
Please consider yourselves updated and I will endeavour to give you photos next time xxx

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