Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Public Address Systems

Japan is seriously set up when it comes to public responsibility. There are no public bins because no one would dream of doing anything but taking their rubbish home with them to recycle in the correct way. There is no excessive noise ever. But weirdest of all are the P.A systems in every town. They exist to warn people of earthquakes. But I guess they don’t get much use that way so here in Seki they play a little rousing tune for 30 seconds at 8am, 12pm and 5pm. Why? I have no idea. They also like to convey messages to the public. Clearly Mike and I have no idea what is being said but Keith translated and apparently they are asking for donations of food and blankets for those  suffering so badly in the North. It sounds annoying but I quite like it. It makes you feel like everyone is part of something bigger.
Today is beautiful and clear but cold. I can see the snow on the mountains from my balcony today. Sometimes the mountains disappear altogether in the cloud. We have 2 days left before 5 days off so some exploring will be happening soon!
Always love, Jo xxx

1 comment:

  1. "30 seconds at 8am, 12pm and 5pm. Why? I have no idea."

    According to somehing said on the news last week; it's like the old factory sirens that we used to have in Bruton & lots of other places. To signify the start of the working day mid-day & end of the working day.

    Apparently in one of the towns devastated by the Tsunami the system is still working which is kind of surreal as there is no one left to go to work and for that matter nowhere to work. Even so three times a day the PA fires up with a little tune.
